Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Daddy Date

Monday night Joel got home a little late, and then it was dinner time. Izzy decided to make that time difficutl, so dinner wasn't pleasent. By the time we finished there, it was bath time, which wasn't as pleasent as it could have been, so Izzy went to bed and Joel felt like he hadn't even seen him. This made him very sad. So on Tuesday we found out that our car battery was dying and Joel was going to have to take it to Walmart after work and get a new one. So he decided to take Izzy with him and take him to McDonald's while they waited for the car. They had a blast!!! Plus I got some free time for myself! It was great! Joel decided that he wanted to try to do that once a week! I think it is great, and he feels like he gets some quality time with Israel and I get an hour to breathe by myself. I love beign a mom, but a few moments by myself feels wonderful too. A recharge!

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