Monday, July 26, 2010


We are completely sold on what is called a teething necklace. It is made from Balitc Amber beads and it is wonderful! Before the necklace, we would have really bad teething days where both of us were about to pull our hair out! Well, maybe Israel was about to pull teeth out or something, but they were not good days for either of us. So we splurged on the necklace (not really a splurge though) and decided to try it out. We have been pretty impressed. Today I found out that he was cutting molers and I didn't even know it. He is perfectly fine, and I can already feel them coming through! I am so excited to be having so much success with this necklace. I recommend them to everyone.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Scare

Sunday afternoon naps are a must in our household. We had just gotten up from our naps today and Izzy was playing on our bed just has he always does. he was near the edge because there was something on the floor that had his attention. He was bouncing and we were telling "Be careful" But before we knew it he took a dive off the bed and landed on his head. I immediately picked him up and he was screaming at this point. You know how babies or kids will cry so hard they look like they are not going to take a breathe? Well that is what he was doing. He has done this before and we have just blown in his face and he takes a breath. We did that this time, but he wouldn't take a breath. He started turning really pale and passed out on us. We didn't know that is what happened. All I knew was that my baby had gone limp in my arms, and rigid at the same time. His eyes rolled back into his head and we both freaked out! I started blowing and pumping his chest. I also was softly slapping his cheeks trying to wake him up. He would open his eyes a little bit, but then close them again. Joel was on the phone with 911 immediately and the ambulance was on their way. Izzy came too, but was still lathargic when the fire truck arrived. By the time the ambulance got there and we had been put inside, they checked all his vitals and said that they thought everything was fine. They still took us to the hospital just to make sure, and we were told that everything was fine. We left very releaved and thankful for another day with our little boy.

Those few minutes were the worst few minutes of my life. To hold your darling baby and see them loose consciousness is one of the worst feelings in the world. We were terrified. Thankfully it is over, and he is sleeping soundly. Thank you Lord!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Truth

The truth is, I worry. I stress out and fret over little and big things. It is part of my personality, but it is the weekness of my personality. It is something that I have been trying to work on for awhile. I feel like I improve and am giving things over to the Lord, and then I will slack and start to try to control things on my own, and the worrying begins again.

This time of year is always stressful because I am triying to figure out my piano schedule. This year has been especially stressful because I have changed some things and I have the lowest amount of students I have had in a long time. I know I am not the only teacher experiencing this, but that hasn't made it any less stressful. I had a melt down yesterday and was all worked up that we wouldn't be able to pull in enough this fall to help supplement. Joel kept telling me that the Lord would provide and I knew that, but I wasn't feeling his provision.

Tuesday night I went running and was listening to Hillsong and the song Mighty to Save. The lyrics "My Savior, He can move the mountain, my God is mighty to save, He is mightly to save. Forevery author of Salvation, He rose and coquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave." I was so convicted when I heard those words and know that If I believed that my God could move a mountain, and that he had risen from the dead and had conquered the grave...which I do believe all of that with my whole heart...then why wasn't I believing that He could provide for me? I had the mindset that if God was providing for me, then life would be easy. I wouldn't have to work so hard. But that is not true. He promises to provide, but He doesn't say that was he provides will be easy. Life my be hard, finances might be tight, but He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. He will always provide. I have to remind myself that He is good...ALL the time, and that everything He does is good. Journey with me as I pray and lay everything at the feet of my Lord who IS mighty to save and who loves me and my family even more than I can imagine.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Daddy Date

Monday night Joel got home a little late, and then it was dinner time. Izzy decided to make that time difficutl, so dinner wasn't pleasent. By the time we finished there, it was bath time, which wasn't as pleasent as it could have been, so Izzy went to bed and Joel felt like he hadn't even seen him. This made him very sad. So on Tuesday we found out that our car battery was dying and Joel was going to have to take it to Walmart after work and get a new one. So he decided to take Izzy with him and take him to McDonald's while they waited for the car. They had a blast!!! Plus I got some free time for myself! It was great! Joel decided that he wanted to try to do that once a week! I think it is great, and he feels like he gets some quality time with Israel and I get an hour to breathe by myself. I love beign a mom, but a few moments by myself feels wonderful too. A recharge!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Garage Sale Day 2

Up again at 6:30 and out to set up ANOTHER set of signs since someone decided to round up all the other ones on Friday. Needless to say, I was not a very happy person. Shockinly, Saturday was NOT a productive day. I thought that that day would be the money maker, but acutally tons of people came Friday, and only a handful on Saturday. So we ended it around noon because it was not worth sitting out in super hot sun. We loaded everything up and took it Goodwill so as not to clutter the garage again. But I ended the weekend with making a wopping 177.00!! I was very pleased. But the thing that I had in my mind that I wanted to get with this money..faux wood plantation blinds for Izzy's room, has not yet been made a reality. I thought it would be a simple as going and picking it up, but not so. We still haven't found the right size and it looks like to be able to, I am going to have to spend twice as much. Bummer!

This week is over, and another is beginning. I am exhausted mentally and physically and feeling just a little blue about some things. But thankfully we had a good garage sale, and I can move on.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Garage Sale Day 1

6: 15 am: Stumble out of bed

6:30 am: Baby wakes up

7:00 am: Baby and daddy go put garage sale signs around the neighborhood while mommy gets dressed and gets breakfast ready

7:30 am people are already out and stopping by just as we are pulling things out of the garage. We had a full morning, and before it was done, I had earned almost 100.00! I was so pleased. The day slowed down quite a bit after lunch, but we still managed to make some sales. I was very pleased with all that was sold, and all that was earned in the first day. We still have tons to sell, and I am hoping to sell my dishes tomorrow as well. Thank you Lord for sending so many people!!! I have earned enough to buy the blinds that I would like to buy for our rooms!

Izzy is cutting another tooth and so he was clingy and whinny. Not a good day to be like that.

Looking forward to another day in the supper hot sun!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


The past two weeks have been SO busy! I have been helping a dear friend of mine declutter her home for the past 2 weeks, still stay on top of mine, take care of Izzy and Joel, try to get ready for a garage sale (4 families) and take care of piano business as well. Yesterday I had a melt down. Joel was so sweet, and took us out to dinner so that there was one less thing I had to worry about. Today I was so looking forward to Fifth Night at Utica Square and a relaxing dinner with our little family. We got there, found a perfect spot unloaded and I began to feed Izzy. Joel had gone to the bathroom so when he returned I left to go get something at Pottery Barn and left my half of sandwhich on a plate and next to it a couple bites let of Izzy's sandwhich. I said to Joel as I left "those are Izzy's bites." As I walked away the thought entered my mind that I should tell him that the other half was mine, but I didn't and just hoped that he would think about it. Well he didn't, because when I returned it was gone! He had fed almost the entire Israel! I couldn't believe it. Once he found out he went to Wendy's and got me a salad and chicken nuggets. He got back and exclaimed "all better!" I thought it was until I started unloading the food and realized that I was going to have to eat my salad with my fingers because he had forgotten the fork! Oh well, all silly mistakes and none that were worth ruining the evening. Plus a yummy cold Starbucks drink made it all better! Thanks Babe!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

"Delightfully Delicious"

Today we had our first family outing to the donut shop! One of Daylight's Donuts slogans is "Delightfully Delicious" and it was! It was fun to see all the old men coming in who come everyday. One gentleman said that he had been coming everyday for 30 years! I don't think that we will be doing that. But it was fun for a Saturday morning, and Izzy loved the blueberry donut!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Date night!

Joel and I got a hankering to see a movie, So Tuesday morning I checked our cheapo deepo movie theater near our house and found out that Knight and Day (the movie we wanted to see) was playing and that it was 2.00 all day on Tuesdays. BINGO!!!! So we made the call to get a babysiter and we were on our way to a fun night. We went about our busy days, got home just in time to pass off Izzy to the Grandparents, say goodnight and goodbuy. Of course we had to stop and get our movie goodies at Walmart (shhhh, don't tell), before we waiting in a long line and then making ourselves comfortable right before the movie started. We laughed and talked about what was going on, and lauged some more. We really enjoyed it.

Afterwards, we ran to get gas, picked up a drink and headed to the park to sit and sip and enjoy the somewhat cool evening after the rain. Then I got a crazy streak. I asked Joel if I could ride home on top of the car holding on to the bike racks. We live like 2 blocks from the park, so it wouldn't be far. He laughed and hesitated, but I begged, and he finally gave it. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! I felt like a kid again. It was a swell time.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Today was a big day. I got an i pod touch, Joel is getting an iphone, and we are going on a spontaneous road trip to Colorado July 30th to see a favorite bad of Joel's!

I have had several planners to help me stay organized. My favorite one was one I got from Franklin Covey, but it was pretty big and bulky. Once I had a baby, and I was carrying a diaper bag, my purse and...a baby, It was a little too much to carry a clunky planner. So I got creative and tired some smaller ones that could fit in my purse, but nothing as worked out. So Joel suggested an ipod touch. I was a little hesitant because I like the feel of paper and checking things off with a realy pencil, but once I saw and touch an ipod touch, I was sold. So until today it has just been a wish and a convience that I wasn't sure would ever happen. But today it became a reality. Then for Joel...his work is buying his phone!

As for the rode trip? Well, one of Joel's favorite bands are doing a reunion tour and for years Joel has been saying that if they ever got back together we were going to take a road trip to go see them. The closest place they are playing is Colorado on July 31st. So...Colorado here we come!